Friday, January 18, 2013


No I'm not thinking extra deep thoughts.  I've been mulling beverages.... wassail and wine baby!

 I LOVE mulled beverages!  LOVE!  When I was growing up my mom used to make us Wassail every winter and I thought it was the most amazing beverage on earth.

However recently, inspired by all the mulled wine they drink in a Song of Ice and Fire (George RR Martin), I mulled some wine for a dinner party as an aperitif. Of course, before I served it I had to try it (to, you know, make sure I wasn't poisoning anyone) and well it's been love ever since.

First of all it's comforting, if Wassail warms you like a hug on a cold winter's day, then Mulled wine is like being wrapped in your favorite warm snuggly blanket.  Secondly, it's an awesome way to use up that horrid my least favorite Chinese wine.  Also, both Wassail and Mulled wine seem to cut through the pollution induced congestion, I think it's the citrus.

Most important of all, it's yummy!  I meant to have a picture of the finished product in a cup, but well... what had happened was....

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