It's naptime and the apartment is as quiet as it ever gets. Babes is down, sleeping peacefully with only a brief cry in the beginning as protest, Honey is in her cage contemplating the wonders of dogdom and even Brick our four legged house guest is dozing peacefully in his cage.
As I sit here in the office enjoying this unusual moment of calm, I take a moment to breathe in, relax my back, and my voice and enjoy a brief moment of Zen. It's weird how becoming a mother adds significance to seemingly minute things. I'd heard it before, all the moms talk about it, but I really do like having both hands to do something with, or the ability to drink a cup of juice without sitting it down and forgetting about it, or better yet, the brief times during the day when I can go to the bathroom by myself.
On the flip side, I have gotten used to the constant companionship. When Babes is down sleeping I often cast about for things to do, or rather I can't focus on which of the million of things that I want to do should I do first, and in this manner squander her nap. Sometimes I'm just paralyzed by indecision, loneliness, or something so that I want to go wake her up even as I sit enjoying the peace.
She's gotten so big too. I looked at her the other day and caught a glimpse of the child she will soon be. It seemed like her first six months went by so slowly, and then as her growing slowed, time sped up. It does seem like just yesterday that she turned six months and now she is only a month away from her year. (of course, the time thing could be caused by the extraordinary amount of traveling we've been doing in the last 5 months: Ukraine, Vegas, Philly, NY, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Richmond, Capetown, Moscow...)
Ah well, I'd better go enjoy my solitude while it lasts... I've got less than half an hour left!