Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back Home

Well we are back home again.  And as usual I think I'm going to spend the next two or three days trying to get back in the groove of things.  It is always good to get away, the 10 days in the sunshine did wonders for my moral.  I think I was starting to sink again--even though it had only been 2 months since I got back from my last vacation... although is visiting family really a vacation?  Especially when you are visiting in-laws? I'm not saying it's not enjoyable, but it IS work....
I definitely like Thailand more than I liked Bali.  Bali was nice, but...  I don't know it was somehow less.  At least on Koh Phangan the beaches were prettier than Bali's.  I can't say much about Thailand though, we literally spent 7 days at the beach, and did little more than eat, sleep, and swim (ok I knit too, but I did that while soaking up the sun and watching the little one swim).  I will say that I did not find the Thais to be overly friendly.  They were polite, and professional, but not the overwhelming friendliness that everyone always talks about.  I actually think Malaysians are nicer (or maybe more laid back?). 
But it was beautiful, clear blue skies, clear blue waters, green green jungle, and a string of rosy sunsets to fortify the spirit..... 

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Beautiful pic Mush!! :) Glad you got a good dose of vitamin D to help your moral! I miss you TONS!

xo, sam