Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Walking in Wuhan

This past weekend we walked through Jiefang park on our way to lunch.  It was still before 1 so the park wasn't as busy as it gets later in the day, but there were still plenty of couples taking their pre/post wedding pictures.  I also think people just like to take pictures too, because there were lots of couples, or even just girls out in the park taking shots.  I only took one picture on the fly as we were going through, but maybe next weekend I'll take the big camera out and get better shots of the people taking pictures.  (on a side note, it's too bad there's not an Ikea that was always great for getting pictures of people taking pictures)

Apparently Jiefang park is also a place to find your potential mate.  As we were passing through we also happened to find a matchmaking market.
 These sheets of paper have the particulars of the people looking for matches and you can come browse through and pick the ones that have the most interest for you.  My Chinese isn't good enough to tell you if I'm right or not, but it sounded like these are the equivalent of SBF ISO fun loving SJM for drinking pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. 

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