Friday, January 11, 2008

A few of my favorite things

Post holiday I am finding it hard to find my inner domestic goddess. I am grumpy and out of sorts, and in general just a little blah. But whenever I try to complain, or want to complain it always ends up sounding so lame because deep down I really do love being a stay at home mom in a foreign service family. I mean lets face it, I could be working 70 hrs a week, in a little office with a tiny window (if I'm lucky) staring at a computer screen all day, come home, make some dinner then kiss babes on the head as she is sleeping, OR I can travel the world, stay at home and teach my daughter where her nose is, have a maid, and go on vacations from my vacation like life. So I'm going to make a list of things that I like about being a stay at home mom to see if I can't coax my goddess out of hiding.
My favorite things (in no particular order)
1. Really cute daughter
2. No office
3. No annoying co-workers
4. Never having to receive or write a memo
5. Lunchtime is whenever we feel like it
6. Daily meetings last less than 20 minutes before broken up to bang on something
7. I have been at home for less than two weeks and I'm already going on vacation again.
8. Dress is casual or pajamas, whichever I prefer
9. Every day is different, you never know what is going to happen.
10. Digital cameras are awesome!
11. I have a maid
12. I learn something new every day

hmmm.... I have run out of steam. I guess this list will just have to do for now.