Friday, January 18, 2008

South Africa!

So we have now been in South Africa for an entire day! Unfortunately, I have been knocked out for most of it. For the first time Babes was not a good traveler, and she woke up whining every thirty-fourty minutes during the plane ride. Which I guess I can understand, those plane seats are not in the least bit comfortable. Now she has her very first cold too, and she's so pitifully cute. She wants to be cheerful, but she's just so tired...
ANYWAY, South Africa is like a super beautiful southern California. The weather feels about the same, and the sky has that same light blue look. Our friends' house is not too big, or too small, but when you walk out into their back yard it is absolutely amazing! First of all the yard is a huge expanse of lawn, with a medium sized pool tucked away into one corner. Their covered porch has big stuffed comfy chairs that are in the perfect position to see the mountain in the distance. Yesterday, I sat with Babes on the chair watching the sun set over the mountain. Absolutely stunning! I've decided I don't even care to see the rest of Cape Town I'm just going to sit on their back porch for two weeks!